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Перевод: abysmal speek abysmal

бездонный; полный; глубокий; крайний; ужасный


  1. Even in daylight with every faculty at full steam it wouldn't have been an easy search, and as things were it was abysmal.
  2. Whoever ends up fighting the election, Mr Kishen suggested, royal parentage will not matter as much to Bharatpur voters as the government's abysmal record on rural development, inflation and corruption and its failure to fulfil promises made during the 1984 campaign.
  3. There are secluded ravines of ferns and flowers bridged by natural arches, waterfalls that plunge into abysmal depths, caves that thread intricate passages below the surface of the ground, cliffs and escarpments that gleam virgin white in the sunshine, streams that dance happily and suddenly disappear
  4. "A disgusting tale abysmal this pus-oozing open sore of a film
  5. The quality of life in the later years is often abysmal.
  6. It was only fit for crocodiles, not even for the abysmal species of human life she found there.
  7. Although Mr Nakayama has been slowly winning respect abroad, his performance in the Diet (parliament) has been abysmal.
  8. I don't think it's abysmal, I just think we have done better."
  9. Our reputation was abysmal.
  10. "Continuing abysmal" describes both, with no signs of the sales slump in cars improving.
  11. Whereas Predator was flawed by poor programming, Red Heat was abysmal all the way from the design board.
  12. Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea
  13. These matters of a more technical constitutional nature are perhaps not immediately obvious to the man in the street, nor even to politicians; yet it is incredible that there should still be people advocating federalism for the EC given the abysmal record of other multinational federations.

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