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Перевод: acceptation speek acceptation

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  1. He will venture to suggest, with the greatest possible respect to Mr. Justice Blank, that his lordship perhaps did not intend his words to be understood in their widest acceptation.
  2. "All religions", he wrote in 1824, "owe their origin or acceptation to the wish of the human heart to supply in another existence the deficiencies of this."
  3. Richard himself was certainly grateful for the northern backing, and several of his grants as king were made "for service done at great labour and charge, in particular about the acceptation of the crown and royal title of this kingdom".
  4. When the psychologist Donald Griffin describes the ability of great tits and chickadees to obtain milk from bottles by "pecking through their shiny coverings with the conscious intention of obtaining food" (1984: 35), it is obvious that were he not talking of a "conscious intention", in the normal human acceptation of the phrase, he would fail to arouse the average reader's curiosity and sympathies.

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