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Перевод: accordion speek accordion

аккордеон ; баян ; гармоника


  1. A friend said to me, "Listen, you've got to hear this guy; he plays blues on the accordion ."
  2. From Arty's room came the sound of an accordion.
  3. A photographer from Melody Maker wanted Gedge to pose with an accordion but Gedge told him he did not play the instrument, but Solowka did.
  4. And I said, "Blues on the accordion?
  5. Speeches, relayed to the milling crowd outside Ballymena Town Hall, where the count was being held, were drowned in deafening cheers, and as the triumphant Free Presbyterian Church leader faced a barrage of questions before TV cameras, an accordion band struck up "The Sash".
  6. That corner's reserved for accordion players.
  7. On the village green stood black life-size silhouette figures of fiddle and accordion players, apparently cut out from thin sheets of iron.
  8. The tape on the bus was changed to "choochie" accordion music just as the first streams of passengers jostled their way to the buses.
  9. He has condemned the programme as depressive, blamed it for our low national morale, inquired on numerous occasions why they can't sing something sophisticated for a change and twice called upon the public to stick a pitchfork through Jack Emblow's accordion .
  10. An old man played several airs on an accordion.
  11. Pearson's agent comments: "Pugwash is more than just the signature tune, and it's not just the accordion.
  12. For me, their album Positively Spooked, with its twirling, fairground, accordion sound, was the best thing last year.
  13. With the lights dimmed, a solo accordion played a brief, preliminary waltz.

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