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Перевод: adapter speek adapter

адаптер ; переходник ; зажим ; держатель ; наконечник ; звукосниматель ; тот, кто адаптирует; тот, кто переделывает литературное произведение


  1. Battery life on the Lynx is about four hours with six AA batteries, but a mains adapter is included in the package (the GameBoy adapter is extra).
  2. The capacitance adapter can be highly recommended to anyone who needs a quick and effective means of measuring polyester, polystyrene and ceramic capacitors.
  3. Capacitance adapter
  4. The adapter, Andy de la Tour, used to be one of the unfunniest comedians on the alternative cabaret circuit, a chap with a black hole where his sense of humour ought to be.
  5. A threaded filter adapter ring ensures that the camera can make use of standard 37mm camcorder accessories such as wide angle telephoto and macro lenses and filters.
  6. It will also take the former Model 3 but in this case a P adapter is required in place of the rotating back.
  7. PC adapter cards
  8. Hence, instead of introducing an additional variable resistance in series with the meter (and consequently suffering impaired linearity), our capacitance range adapter is calibrated by adjusting the frequency of the square wave source!
  10. The Rover V8 will fit with an adapter, as will the Ford V6, but I feel the straight six, 3 litre Rover engine, which has lots of torque, is an ideal unit in these vehicles.
  11. MiLAN's 16-bit Ethernet adapter cards are fully compatible with the Novell NE2000 adapter card driver.
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