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Перевод: addictive speek addictive

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  1. With reference to treatment involving the prescribing of other drugs, the majority of respondents expressed concern about the addictive nature of the drugs themselves.
  2. Be warned that, once mastered, it is highly addictive.
  3. Psychologically addictive.
  4. The aim when developing painkillers is to produce a drug as potent as the narcotic analgesics such as morphine, but without their addictive effects and other undesirable impacts.
  5. It can be addictive, for power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  6. "The playability is what sets it apart teasingly addictive and enthralling, PARASOL STARS deserves all the praise it gets.
  7. Further, these general behavioural characteristics can easily he confused with those of normal adolescence or personal idiosyncrasy and, conversely, one may find much normal behaviour even in those who have severe addictive disease.
  8. Some experts claim that it is addictive.
  9. The way forward is not through the law but through the understanding of addictive disease.
  10. It is the most addictive drug ever - many become addicted from the first time they use it.
  11. And morphine from opium is illegally converted to the highly addictive drug.
  12. What are the phases of addictive disease?
  13. Cigarettes are certainly addictive, yet some 11 million people in Britain have managed to give up.

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