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Перевод: adhesiveness

клейкость ; липкость ; способность к ассоциированию


  1. However, the majority of studies did show increased adhesiveness in diabetic subjects with (Valdorf-Hansen, 1967; Badawi et al, 1970; Hellem, 1971) and without (Shaw et al, 1967; Hellem, 1971) vascular disease.
  2. Changes in adhesiveness are an essential part of the developmental programme.
  3. The molecular basis of adhesiveness lies in cell adhesion molecules - CAMs - at the cell surface.
  4. Captain 11 times, he repaid them with 3915 runs, 12 centuries, an average of 43.98, and an adhesiveness more commonly found in tubes of Araldite.
  5. The pattern of adhesiveness on the wall has a high point in the form of a band around the wall and so this is where the cells, through repeated explorations by their long filopodia, come to rest.
  6. This is a complex series of events that may involve various altered cellular properties, such as secretion of proteolytic enzymes, alterations in cell motility, and altered growth properties, as well as possible changes in adhesiveness.
  7. So it is the pattern of adhesiveness in the wall that determines where the cells go; and when, later on in development, this pattern changes, the cells follow - they seek stability.
  8. It has been shown recently that adhesiveness of lymphocytes from patients with leucocyte adhesion deficiency can be restored by transfection with an expression vector continuing the complementary DNA for the normal 2 subunit.
  9. During gastrulation, differences in cell adhesion guide the cells; during lens formation the lens cells lose adhesion with adjacent cells at the time of detachment; and somite formation is essentially an increase in adhesiveness locally.

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