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Перевод: affair speek affair

дело; занятия ; роман ; связь ; любовная история; дуэль


  1. Dinner is an even more depleted affair than breakfast.
  2. Lady Onslow was haunted by the Littlejohn affair for some years.
  3. You can love them so much that you eat them all up, then there is no more affair.
  4. "The whole affair has been a chapter of accidents from start to finish.
  5. He was approached by the Huddersfield directors early in 1921 and the offer spurred him on to a determined effort to prove his innocence in the Leeds City affair.
  6. This year, the dress show was a serious affair and larking about was strictly discouraged.
  7. An experiment run by Dr Ting is not a casual affair; to say that he is strict is, he agrees, an understatement.
  8. Completed some time ago, the government then held up its publication when the Spycatcher affair erupted, so that it could not be accused of double standards in trying to ban Wright's book while giving Hinsley's the nod.
  9. With the growth of population in the south and the decline in the north, coupled with the fragmentation of political protest in the north, the government of Italy is increasingly a southern affair.
  10. The shaikh complained that he had to leave in a hurry; his opposite number had left by plane, and he had to drive urgently to Kufra for it was essential that as many people as possible should turn up, to emphasize the seriousness of the affair.
  11. The programme is an all-Ravel affair consisting of the (with Mikhail Rudy), and most interestingly of all, Yan Pascal's own orchestration of the Piano Trio .
  12. The Swindon Affair was a cesspit of intrigue and counter - intrigue involving several members of the board including the chairman Brian Hillier who was banned from involvement in football for six months.
  13. Lately Mr Kaifu has been under pressure to hand out minor cabinet posts to some young stars within the party who had been tainted by the Recruit affair.
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