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Перевод: affianced

обрученный; помолвленный


  1. And after all, Rothesay, so they said, had led Margaret a dog's life after all her father's pains to secure him for her, and been by any standard a poor bargain for any girl, having worn out so many before her - including, the bolder gossips whispered, Dunbar's unhappy daughter, affianced and bedded but never wed.
  2. "If you would consent to be affianced to me, would wait for me, would permit me to write while I am away -"
  3. "Besides -" said Anne who had not been listening, but pursuing her own line of thought " - if I were affianced to Prince Edward, the marriage could be completed in a year or so - instead of delayed for Heaven knows how long!"
  4. "We were affianced, Mr Michaels.
  5. " - if I were affianced to him," continued Anne without batting an eyelid, "instead of -"
  6. We had been affianced for some weeks."
  7. Indeed, your latest victim seems to have been a veritable bundle of surprises - not a maidservant but a duchess, not dead but alive - and, to top all, affianced to an eleven-year-old and not a virgin!"
  8. For Joan this would be no ordinary meeting with him to whom ostensibly she was affianced, an enterprise attempted solely to reassure the royal family as to the princes" welfare.
  9. The offspring of Edward the Fourth and Elizabeth Woodville were declared bastards on the grounds that, before his marriage, Edward was affianced to Lady Eleanor Butler, since widowed daughter to the Earl of Shrewsbury - and sister to the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk, Anne Mowbray's mother.
  10. In return for this co-operation the French asked that the child queen should be affianced not to Edward VI but to the Dauphin of France, and that she should be brought up there.
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