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Перевод: aggravate speek aggravate

ухудшать; усугубить; отягчать; обострять; усугублять; надоедать; огорчать; раздражать


  1. The cruise and Pershing II missiles only aggravate this situation.
  2. In addition, these agents may aggravate cardiac failure, a common complication in the diabetic (Garcia et al, 1974; Kannel McGee, 1979).
  3. Here the Pope was to further aggravate the already poor relationship between himself and the Emperor.
  4. Furthermore, attempts to use sophisticated IT-based systems to help to solve the problem often seem merely to aggravate it!
  5. To aggravate all this further, the records all sound as though they were designed to be played on compact disc.
  6. Characteristically things tend to aggravate () and nothing ameliorates ().
  7. Small genetic changes might conceivably aggravate their nuisance value.
  8. To increase this tension further and aggravate the goods famine even more is impossible.
  9. Otherwise you may aggravate something that, with a little rest and good management, could have been no more than a minor injury.
  10. It is stupid to rush into the sort of vigorous exercise that may aggravate a medical condition and, of course, it also depends on how fit you are already.
  11. These drugs may aggravate hypoglycaemia (Newman, 1976; Lager et al, 1979), may result in undamped hypertensive surges secondary to hypoglycaemic catecholamine release (McMurty, 1974; Shepherd et al, 1981) and may threaten the peripheral circulation by arteriolar constriction (McSorley Warren, 1978; Vale Jeffreys, 1978).
  12. In short, we should call the offence reckless driving, but the occurrence of death, even though it may be regarded as bad luck, should aggravate the sentence.
  13. There is pressure from Japanese competition to introduce robots and factory automation; yet to automate will aggravate unacceptably high unemployment.

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