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Перевод: aggravation speek aggravation

ухудшение; усугубление; гнев ; раздражение


  1. As a result the remedy can be repeated without causing the patient any aggravation; or if aggravation should occur it will be of short duration, easily controlled.
  2. In fact, there is considerable aggravation, with the Norwegian Lapps complaining to the government, and demanding that the police be moved in to catch and deport the interlopers.
  3. Kali Carb. 1M was given followed by strong and disruptive aggravation.
  4. I thought this was quite early in the case for an aggravation, so I had him take a dose every other day after diluting the remedy in a second glass of water.
  5. An aggravation of symptoms at the beginning of treatment, i.e. with low potencies, is a sign of over-stimulation (too much intensity) and indicates the dose was too high.
  6. If an aggravation occurs i.e. an intensification of the original symptoms, at the end of treatment, then the doses must be reduced in quantity and repeated at longer intervals, or stopped altogether to see if the symptoms will continue to disappear by themselves.
  7. This is very useful in skin diseases, difficult and serious chronic cases and various acute diseases in which homopathic aggravation can cause increased suffering, or even endanger the life of the patient.
  8. The patient may indeed be made sick in another way by receiving other such unchanged doses, even sicker than he was, for now only those symptoms of the given remedy remain active which were not homopathic to the original disease, hence no step towards cure can follow, only a true aggravation of the condition of the patient."
  9. The aggravation subsided after 36 hours, leaving the patient feeling well for the past 5 months.
  10. There are a few people who are out to cause you any aggravation, whom you have to treat that seriously.
  11. Throughout his life, Hahnemann's sole aim was to find out how the patient could be cured rapidly, without any unneccesary aggravation.
  12. Yes, that was the card he had given to old Jackdaw to post but he really didn't want all this aggravation, he was happy the way he was.
  13. In cases of mental illness, where there is a possibility of the patient having an aggravation with even a low potency of the centesimal scale, the fifty millesimal potency can effect the cure smoothly and without problems.

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