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Перевод: agronomic speek agronomic



  1. Bonsu (1981) reports the results of experiments to reduce erosion in a savannah soil of northern Ghana by means of a number of agronomic practices, including the leaving of crop residues as a mulch.
  2. A technique refers to the mechanical or agronomic method applied, and in any one conservation project there may a considerable variety.
  3. While research on the agronomic side of conservation has taken considerable strides during the past fifteen years for all its problems of misapplication, there have also been some advances in the thinking on the socio-economic side of soil erosion and the resulting design of conservation programmes as well.
  4. They are of two different types, mechanical protection works and agronomic methods, although they are usually used together in any soil conservation project.
  5. Agronomic techniques were developed rather later than mechanical ones, following the identification of the importance of rainsplash as a major element in the erosion process.
  6. Some ingenious souls have even gone so far as to suggest that the correct attitude to fat, which makes sense in nutritional, agronomic and culinary terms is to aim in general at eating a low-fat diet, and at one in which most of the fat in the diet is polyunsaturated: but to ensure that the small amount of saturated fat that did creep in is as delectable as possible, which, of course, with slight deference to beef dripping, means butter.
  7. Belshaw (1979) illustrates the contradiction between research station agronomic techniques which favour planting crops in pure stands, and inter-cropping techniques which are by far the most satisfactory from the point of view of the reduction of soil erosion.
  8. The development of agronomic research into soil conserving practices also (in four cases where the search discovered projects with this component) seems to have occurred at the research station, and on the land of a handful of farmers.
  9. Agronomic techniques of conservation are perhaps more in terms of preventing the start of the process of removal of soil particles, by the introduction of farming practices which will provide stable yields through time.
  10. Involvement in the production of surpluses for sale in the market implies modern methods of cultivation and improved productivity, so alleviating the "population problem", and the awareness of financial inducements, and incentive to undertake soil conserving agronomic practices and/or erosion works.
  11. For example, gully erosion can be treated by mechanical means (e.g. a masonry drop structure with apron), cutting back the gully head to stable ground and planting it to grass and/or trees, and following a variety of agronomic measures above the gully to reverse practices which brought about sheet and then gully erosion in the first place.
  12. Pricing may well be a critical factor in returns to farmers and to decision-making about extension of cultivation, and precise agronomic practices with direct implications for soil erosion, and yet prices of foodstuffs for urban-based elites are naturally a highly sensitive political issue.
  13. Most conservation schemes combine both mechanical and agronomic techniques, and in many instances they are complementary.
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