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Перевод: airbrush speek airbrush

краскопульт ; распылитель краски


  1. Cryla Flow from Daler-Rowney and Brera Extrafine Acrylic from Osborne Butler , although in tubes, fall into this category because, coupled with their ability to create quite tactile effects straight from the tube, they are fluid and thin well for airbrush use.
  2. The improvement over gouache in an airbrush is that, once dry, the paint is water resistant, making the image far more durable and permanent for the illustrator and overspraying is not a problem.
  3. The two are mixed in the gun (as in an artist's airbrush) and, given the correct air temperature, the resulting mist which is squirted out crystallises, falling as snow.
  4. And the hours I spent with the airbrush ah, five hundred roubles was chicken feed for the work I put in."
  5. I found that Winsor Newton Liquid Acrylic Colour and ACP by Rotring performed exceptionally well, neither requiring dilution within an Aztec airbrush, and there was no hint of clogging.
  6. The artist who did my album cover used an airbrush and I got him to do three guitars for me.
  7. One advantage of the very liquid acrylic is that is doesn't require thinning, even for washes or for airbrush use.
  8. And airbrush our pimples Tape up our
  9. Other semi-thin paints have similar properties when used with the airbrush.
  10. It includes Friskfilm: a low tack, self-adhesive masking film; Friskair propellant which is CSC-free for eco-conscious artists; airbrush paper in a variety of sizes; and concentrated dyes in 20 compatible colours.
  11. Undoubtedly this must be the neatest and cheapest airbrush in the world.
  12. At just 5.99 the Blitzer costs less than a can of airbrush propellant!
  13. New from Frisk comes a complete airbrush system.

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