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Перевод: amazingly speek amazingly



  1. Amazingly, though, porcupine fish have often been found among the stomach contents of large tuna.
  2. A few days later, the storm became so violent that sheep became buried in six-foot drifts of snow, and the camera recorded farmers scrabbling down with their hands to release buried sheep, pin-pointed by amazingly perceptive border collies.
  3. Certainly, few entomologists doubt that the amazingly intricate structure of moths' antennae are specific pheromone detectors.
  4. After being welcomed to the summit of an amazingly red Red Pike by the rain, we were happy to descend to Scarth Gap.
  5. Actually formulating what you want and writing it down will clarify the situation amazingly in your mind, rather like trying to teach someone else something you have just learned.
  6. Eating out, however, can be amazingly cheap.
  7. He voted Labour even, amazingly; like no one they knew.
  8. for many hours on day one the river seemed amazingly narrow, one bank of it always being on the front end of my canoe.
  9. In this respect, Marx's anthropology seems amazingly ahead of his time.
  10. It demands respect, and it demands commitment, but it does the job amazingly well for a car on transverse cart springs and a chassis that's based on what looks no more than two parallel lengths of drainpipe.
  11. Have you ever really examined the amazingly intricate construction of a bird's nest?
  12. Amazingly, we arrived unscathed in Wenceslas Square and I set off to find the edok offices to arrange accommodation.
  13. We called friends in Australia and amazingly, they found a cylinder we could rent and shipped it to Darwin.

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