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Перевод: angularity speek angularity

наличие углов; угловатость ; угол перекоса; костлявость ; худоба


  1. The angularity is produced by tilting of the Grey Measures sequence into the basin and the gradual overstepping/onlapping of the Barren Measures as the "bulge" progressively flattens out.
  2. They usually share with the nomads a certain angularity in their overall compositions and articulation of forms.
  3. Curved lines are rare, and even in the most intricate and subtle of patterning an essence of angularity usually underpins the scheme.
  4. Structural innovation, a horizontal emphasis, marked angularity, splintered melody and the admission on equal terms of difficult intervals such as the tritone signalled a move into uncharted territory.
  5. Strong angularity is recognised at the base of the Cretaceous and northwards in the Hewett Sub-basin progressively thicker Palaeozoic and Triassic section is developed below this unconformity.
  6. This would fall at the Middle to Upper Coal Measures boundary near to the base of the Westphalian D. In the Coalbrookdale coalfield in west Central England, the so-called "Symon Fault" is recognised as a strong angularity, probably within the Westphalian C sequence.
  7. Angularity might be all well and good, but do I really look that thin?
  8. I met Jane Toler at a party, and, homing in on my angularity of form, she asked me to sit for her.
  9. The essential character, however, is a world away from Daedalic angularity.
  10. I like their angularity.
  11. The long shift in fine dark brown wool worn with a heavy necklace of silver and amber hid her angularity and emphasized the strength and regularity of the strong features.
  12. Has survived his tallness (six feet five inches) and his angularity.
  13. At her considerable best - when her physical angularity, her fluttery, melodramatic flounces and her inclination to treat the most unpretentious line of dialogue as a conversation-stopper were tempered either by a real affinity with the role in question or else by a witty, self-deprecating sense of her own absurdity in it - she remained one of the most consistently spell-binding of Hollywood stars.

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