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Перевод: apartment speek apartment

апартамент ; меблированные комнаты; квартира ; комната


  1. The apartment's previous owners had hired an expensive interior designer from New York and ordered her to trick out the rooms in a horse-country oldeEnglish Spy-Cartoons look, which had been done to extravagant perfection, but McIllvanney was none of those things.
  2. This tidy sum enabled him and Anne to move from the tiny Village apartment which they rented for 125 a month to a much larger air-conditioned place for 400 a month, a brownstone directly across the road from 16 West 11th Street, just off Fifth Avenue.
  3. I chained Wavebreaker 's bicycle to an ornamental fence outside McIllvanney's apartment block, and persuaded the uniformed ape on security that I was not a terrorist.
  4. Please note the deposit quoted is per apartment and not per person, and is refundable less the cost of any damage or loss.
  5. All through that October and November, in my claustrophobic college room or in my dark-curtained hotel apartment, I grew to desire more of him than just his presence at my side as we wrote.
  6. In other words, even if you are reasonably well-off in Los Angeles, the cost of security in your apartment block may soon become prohibitive.
  7. In the years that followed I was to be in that lovely apartment many times visiting Jessica and Celia, who served the most delicious toasted bacon sandwiches and coffee that I have ever tasted.
  8. A child was screaming in one of the flats, while two dogs were snarling as they fought in the wasteland beyond the apartment house.
  9. Yet his real home for part of the time he was Marje's lover was with Meli Meitner in her Kensington apartment.
  10. To reach his new apartment you had to use the old tradesmen's entrance: past the service elevator, down four flights of stairs, along a corridor with a linoleum floor.
  11. He made his way up to the top floor, found Maidstone's apartment and knocked on the door.
  12. Still an "amateur" working from his apartment, Zborowski contacted other dealers about the proposed exhibition and wrote enthusiastically to Modigliani.
  13. The apartments themselves are very well furnished with a balcony, a fully equipped kitchenette, and private bathroom, each sleeping 2-;4 people in a one-bedroomed apartment with sofa-beds in the lounge.

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