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Перевод: approximate speek approximate

приблизительный; ориентировочный; близкий; находящийся близко;
приближаться; почти равняться; приблизительно равняться; почти соответствовать; приближать


  1. Before leaving the ground floor, make your notes and sketches and set out the approximate costs of making good the defects and of any necessary alterations.
  2. After you have selected the field, it is a good policy to choose the approximate position to complete the final turn and to start the approach.
  3. There should be approximate equivalence of numbers so long as there has been no preferential loss of either jaws or teeth, and the expected percentage values should be in the region of 100 per cent.
  4. This, then, is an approximate sketch of Bukharin's theory of disproportionality crisis.
  5. In four thousand years, for that is its approximate age, it has surrendered few of its secrets.
  6. A more successful variant is one for use with approximate quantities.
  7. Washington programme administrators have estimated that the total cost through the stage of commercialisation, will approximate 15 billion."
  8. The area of Kosovo (which covers what was previously known as Kosovo and Metohija) is an approximate square with a side of about 70 miles, equivalent to half the size of Wales.
  9. (Hence, notably in "Gerontion", Eliot's ability to approximate and even conform to Jacobean blank verse, yet to depart from it smoothly when he pleased.) Pound's verse on the contrary was, at least after Homage to Sextus Propertius , free, not "freed": the rhythms that he sought and attained either had never appeared before in the language, or else had not appeared there for many centuries.
  10. However, Black-throated Divers have occurred between 3 August and 22 May, and approximate monthly totals for the period 1962 to 1976 are as follows: Nearly all records were for tidal waters, but there were occasional reports for large areas of fresh water inland such as Chichester gravel pits or the larger reservoirs.
  11. To reduce the complexities and costs of complying with a number of different requirements in different member states, the Community may co-ordinate, approximate or harmonise the relevant rules of national law, that is to say, lay down rules which must be adopted by all the member states.
  12. A man, back from Spain, addresses her in tones that approximate to what the Independent thought was the "well-educated voice", and to what the Guardian thought was the "assured accent", transmitted by the Intelligence chief responsible for the shooting of the IRA bombers in Gibraltar which preceded the arrival of the novel.
  13. Dempsey in Changing Places and Small World is an approximate British equivalent.)

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