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Перевод: automate speek automate

автомат ;
автоматизировать; переводить на автоматическую работу


  1. We were the first to automate all that."
  2. Hence, these new techniques will become further weapons in the armoury of computing tools used to automate existing procedures.
  3. It is not automation but the failure to automate that risks jobs.
  4. If we do not automate, won't our industry be disadvantaged by the automated industries abroad?
  5. They automate the handling of data, information, expertise and reasoning used for the decision-making and decision-taking stages of the problem solving process.
  6. In one case study, an engineering company decided to automate a plating line.
  7. Buick was one of the main victims of GM's disastrous attempt to automate its way out of trouble.
  8. "Clarks decided to automate the design end rather than in the factory because, over the years, we have produced smaller run sizes but more styles.
  9. In the past, batch production has been difficult to automate because traditional control devices were neither cheap nor flexible enough to cater for the need for frequent readjustments of machinery.
  10. And, like it or not, Britain will eventually have to automate its manufacturing.
  11. There is pressure from Japanese competition to introduce robots and factory automation; yet to automate will aggravate unacceptably high unemployment.
  12. The Japanese would like to automate mining.
  13. Six of Japan's 10 electric-power companies are cooperating with Hitachi and Toshiba (the country's biggest nuclear power-plant makers) to automate dangerous work.

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