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Перевод: awe speek awe

страх ; трепет ; благоговение;
внушать благоговение; внушать страх


  1. And so it is with Wattana, who, in a psychological move during a recent Matchroom League clash, showed he is hardly in awe of Hendry when he won five successive frames before scattering the balls to "allow" the Scot the first of three consolation frames.
  2. A man would have to be totally deficient in imagination to fail to be struck with a kind of horror and awe.
  3. Marcus, thus present occasionally at Jack's house, where he evidently felt his visits to be a matter of duty, inevitably encountered the women, who treated him with suitable respect and awe, and Jack, who was nervously affable, and even on two occasions Gildas to whom he nodded politely.
  4. When their interim leader, Rufio (Dante Basco), a leather-clad street punk, kneels before a 40-year-old man with a shaven chest to whisper in awe, "It's The Pan", one is tempted to shout "No, it's The Close-Up!".
  5. "Do Black Magic people in England attack you?" a Roscommon chip shop boy asked me in awe.
  6. Here for the first time he found something of what the pilgrim on his bicycle had sought: "the sense of mystery, and awe, and of another world at once far and near a sense that we were vividly in the presence of the passion of Jesus and also vividly near to heaven, to which the passion mysteriously belonged, so as to be brought from the past to the present".
  7. The life they had come to know so well for so long as it slipped by changelessly would be irrevocably altered: it was like a death or a wounding and brought all the wonder and fear and awe of change.
  8. Those people who have had deep religious experiences often talk about them with a sense of awe - the feeling many of us have had as little children when we've been in the presence of something powerful and magnificent.
  9. Two days later Coleridge visited the Hazlitts at Wem, and the diffident, admiring son of the house listened in awe as "the half-inspired speaker" pronounced on Mary Wollstonecraft, Godwin, and Burke.
  10. "It is with a feeling of surprise and wonder, even of awe, that humans become aware of a great intelligence living in the sea; of marine mammals with a perception greater than that of other animals, more akin to our own," says New Zealander Frank Robson, who has spent many years working with dolphins both in captivity and in the wild.
  11. In the Bible, we discover the revelation of unseen things; mysteries which we approach in awe and reverence.
  12. Two chambermaids were standing at a respectful distance, watching his efforts in some awe.
  13. However Mhoira Robertson did accept that the rank cut her off from any real intimacy with ordinary people who were in awe of her power.

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