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Перевод: awkwardly

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  1. Constance stood awkwardly by the sink.
  2. "Is he taller than you?" she demanded the next morning as they awkwardly shared the small mirror intended to discourage the girls from vanity.
  3. "Sorry," he said, awkwardly, through a mouthful of Rich Tea.
  4. A few scenes stood out awkwardly: Robyn soothing her tearful female student who can't do her essay because has to do a bit of modelling to make up her grant ('It's not fair," she sobs, in one of the script's less ingenious lines); Robyn's unlikely outburst at a Pringle meeting when an Asian worker is nominated for sacking.
  5. "Yes," said Lucy, awkwardly.
  6. And yet, awkwardly, schizophrenically, these twisted sickos are taken up by the right-on, their cause espoused in the same breath as calls for a better world the assumption being that the better things in life - hip hop imports, clothes, socialism - would undoubtedly cohabit in utopia.
  7. She stands almost in the corner, her feet awkwardly placed, her hands clasped tightly, not folded in resignation as is usual with Modigliani paintings.
  8. "It's not locked," Crocker said awkwardly.
  9. She reddened and bobbed her head and sat down a little awkwardly.
  10. Certainly his "egghead" image fitted awkwardly into a Maidenform-Bra-moulded mind.
  11. In these scenes, Greenaway's camera stops moving and his technique, alternating awkwardly between long shots and close-ups, seems ragged and inadequate.
  12. She took her jacket off and wrapped it up, folding it awkwardly over one arm.
  13. If your window is small or awkwardly shaped, you could consider frosted glass.

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