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Перевод: bony speek bony

костистый; костлявый


  1. She put out her hand and touched the bony elbow.
  2. It would be difficult to overestimate the importance of the bony fish in the economy of the sea.
  3. The structure of the skull, jaws, and gills of vertebrates has been interpreted, after a long and sophisticated study, as a filter-feeding device modified to take larger prey, fused to a bony box protecting the brain.
  4. The thin cotton of his pyjamas did nothing to cushion the discomfort of the wicker scraping his bony body.
  5. Bony fish, Lycoptera middendorfi , Cretaceous This little fish is preserved in a soft, pale grey shale Like many shale specimens it is flattened, but the still-water conditions under which the rock was deposited have permitted complete preservation of a delicate skeleton.
  6. And now she had one bony hand extended towards Charles at the top of the table and in it was her dinner fork with a piece of meat still speared on it.
  7. Bony scales were inherited from its ancestors and no doubt this helped the animal against dessication .
  8. The permanent swimmers belong to four main groups: the squids (which are cephalopods - molluscs - related to the octopuses); the bony fish, most of which belong to the group known as the teleosts; the sharks - which are quite different from the teleosts, though they are also commonly referred to as fish; and the cetaceans, which are the whales, dolphins and porpoises and are, of course, mammals.
  9. Not since a bony young Yorkshireman, Len Hutton, batted into a third day in August 1938 against Bradman's Australia to pass the Don's record score for a test match had the British known such transcendent moments of self-belief through sport.
  10. Back to bony back, under the fetid cover, they fell asleep.
  11. The pelvis, measured across the front of the stomach between the two bony hip points you can feel with your fingers, is on average nine inches.
  12. We have to visualize the process of change as a gradual one, with progressive forays from the water, until the first animal with true limbs developed (the bony elements of the limb are present in the fish fin).
  13. The man was thickset and heavy, like a rugby player, the woman thin and bony.

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