c ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci ck cl cm cn co cp cr cs ct cu cw cy cz

Перевод: calculated speek calculated

вычисленный; преднамеренный; подсчитанный; расчетный; намеренный; предумышленный; умышленный; рассчитанный; годный


  1. The free energy of dissociation is calculated according to the equation , in which the dissociation constant for a compound ( K d ) is calculated as , and the dissociation constant for substance P ( ) is calculated as .
  2. But they looked miserably cowed, a sight calculated to dispirit their colleagues who must fight on.
  3. Various X or Y values are entered, and the corresponding calculated Y or X value, based on the equation in use, is put into the table.
  4. Anything more calculated to create anger and resentment cannot be imagined, but worse followed.
  5. VAT can be calculated net of discount, as in the UK, or gross, but with a VAT adjustment if discount is taken.
  6. Interest is paid annually upon each anniversary of the first deposit to your TESSA and calculated on a daily basis on cleared balances (including any interest credited but not withdrawn).
  7. It was calculated that 170 per cent more on books and other educational materials was spent on grammar than on secondary-modern pupils.
  8. Dickie read the figures and calculated fast.
  9. For the period 1757-;1822 it has been calculated that the aggregate drain was approximately 250 million, while it has been pointed out that for the period from the 1850s to the First World War surpluses from the Indian economy were crucial in allowing Britain to balance its deficits with Europe and the USA (Bagchi, 1982, pp. 81, 88).
  10. The net present values are calculated by discounting streams of future cash flow.
  11. If he did it would be a clinical performance, precise and calculated, like everything he did.
  12. The tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April the following year, so the amount of tax you pay in any one year is calculated on the income you receive (or are deemed to have received) between these two dates.
  13. The asymmetry can be calculated, and depends on the mass of the Z particle (figure 5).

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