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Перевод: considered speek considered

обдуманный; продуманный


  1. Alternatively, it is also considered that the period in which we are carried in our mother's womb begins the process of determining our nature.
  2. Even ten years ago the idea that English-speaking children should be educated completely in a foreign language for every subject, including science, without actual specific prior tuition or without reinforcement at home, would have been considered strange to say the least.
  3. During a shift when the men considered that very little was happening, they responded to calls concerning a house fire and an attempted break-in, calls to check on the whereabouts of a pensioner who had not been seen by a neighbour for a few days, a request to pick up and transport a prisoner, and a call to move on some youths.
  4. The Church of England should have a more considered position to contrast with these more torrid campaigns.
  5. The "hypothetical" accident they considered was a complete break and disconnection of the huge metre-diameter pipe that carries the main coolant water into a PWR's pressure vessel.
  6. The appeal suggests that activities taking place there do not constitute a breach of planning permission but that, if it is considered that they do, permission ought to be granted.
  7. Some considered that the Psalms, as part of the Holy Book, were fitting, but hymns the work of mortals a strong faction condemned their performance in church as blasphemy.
  8. Horses were better considered.
  9. Surely wrapping up well on an autumn chill morning wasn't considered unmanly?
  10. I also considered that the two eclipses this month, reminiscent of those in the days before Edward VIII's abdication, might trigger Charles renouncing the succession in favour of Prince William.
  11. As a rule of thumb, this element in the main system model can be considered as monitoring the performance of the system as a whole (for example, ensuring that residents are happily domiciled and day clients receive appropriate support), and setting, then maintaining, the standards of each sub-system (Fig 11.8).
  12. In June 1959, however, the last performance occurred at the Chiswick Empire which was then pulled down and the site redeveloped as a tower office block, originally named "Empire House", but later that name did not prove acceptable to some local government officials, who considered that the name smacked of imperialism, so the block now has only numbers in Chiswick High Road.
  13. Later, left alone, Mungo considered the advice.

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