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Перевод: crumpet speek crumpet

сдобная пышка; пышка ; аппетитная бабенка


  1. You're definitely not the thinking woman's crumpet, are you?"
  2. Here we were joined by a small group of French Commandos, no doubt with the same views in mind; something to drink and eye up the local crumpet!
  3. Crumpet
  4. Hippy strumster Robert Fripp and the thinking punk's crumpet, Toyah, live near Wimborne .
  5. We were lucky in finding something to drink but unfortunate as far as the crumpet was concerned.
  6. They seem to settle down and learn the language and then they suddenly become desperate and want a crumpet or something."
  7. Thinking Man's Crumpet.
  8. Fat chance of us running into any crumpet out here!"
  9. Long dubbed, "the thinking thespian's tea cake" British actress Helen Mirren says, "I think that sexuality - but not the "cor, sexy crumpet" type - is present in most powerful acting.
  10. If you take something like The Hit Man and Her , presumably a lot of the viewers are in fact women, or more specifically young women, because they are the ones who buy Smash Hits , they are the ones who watch Top of the Pops ; yet the presenter, Pete Waterman, implicitly assumes that the viewers are male - he greeted the audience at the beginning of one programme with "Cor, boys, have we got a load of crumpet here tonight!"
  11. chairman of the United Metropolitan Improved Hot Muffin and Crumpet Baking and Punctual Delivery Company.
  12. Naturally I picked it up, performed a couple of swift and immaculate arabesques, culminating in a precise, sharp crack which removed the butter from her crumpet while leaving the jam undisturbed.
  13. "It's no good trying to change the subject, Piper, I know all about your activities with the crumpet.

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