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Перевод: death speek death

смертный; смертельный;
смерть ; гибель ; конец


  1. Carers and friends need to start where the person is at, and not wonder how it is that someone can seem so upset at the death of a pet and yet apparently unmoved by the untimely death of their spouse.
  2. By the age of twenty-four she had published her second novel, given birth to and buried a second daughter, buried her first son, given birth to a second, and received a letter describing the death by drowning and the cremation of her husband.
  3. But the impact of the fall in death rates among younger age groups (which began earlier, in the mid-nineteenth century) has been still more dramatic.
  4. THE GREAT modern, moral questions of the right to life and the right to death will dominate what may be a landmark session of the US Supreme Court which begins this week.
  5. As she was a devout Anglican, somewhat callously I may have thought that death to her was not the "end" it might be to others.
  6. He was principal landowner and, until his death in 1920, "lord of the manor".
  7. The house disappeared long ago but a monument erected near the site in 1825 bears witness to the life and death of a sincere Christian man who was prepared to die for his Faith.
  8. Death of Hadrian IV
  9. The Finance Act 1969 provided, in effect, that on the death of a beneficiary what in 1974 became capital transfer tax, and by the Finance Act 1986 inheritance tax, should be payable upon the proportion of the capital which corresponded to the proportion of the income which the deceased had received within a certain period before his death (usually seven years).
  10. Canetti's great foe is death and his belief in the power of words to fight it is some kind of myth that motivates his pen.
  11. The Windsor drawing is thought to have been completed in Rome about 1513, shortly before Leonardo's death in 1517.
  12. In Figueres, his Catalan hometown, he set up his own museum (which has also become his mausoleum since his death two years ago), with its own foundation to administer it.
  13. But, he pointed out, no one could possibly conceive what life would be like after the death of images.

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