d da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dr ds dt du dw dx dy dz

Перевод: debug speek debug

удалять подслушивающее устройство; устанавливать и устранять дефекты; отлаживать


  1. It wasn't performance-intensive enough for Silicon Grahpics Inc, but included stuff like multi-processor support that was completely unimportant in a mainstream Intel competitor, but yet it remained hard to design and debug.
  2. This additional property, Minsky believes, could have a functional or evolutionary explanation, of the sort suggested for the property of modularity itself by Simon, in that the "conscious" supreme organizing module would ipso facto be in a position to "debug" or repair the connections of the lower modules amongst themselves or to itself.
  3. There are major difficulties with the use of this technique, since it is likely to result in programs whose structure is extremely opaque, and which are therefore very difficult to understand and debug.
  4. Yeah, alright, I don't wanna debug it though so.
  5. The process does not require you to use Debug, as you suggest, and disk canning programs are unlikely to identify these problems if they only manifest themselves when the machine is cold.
  6. The enhanced gdb debugger, integrated with the browser which is able to represent code structure and class relationships graphically, can reportedly debug multiple C and C++ programs simultaneously.
  7. Hindering the porting effort are the tools Microsoft provides, good for only compile and debug.
  8. We are returning, by another route, to Minsky's suggestion that the evolutionary role of consciousness has been to give access to modules or levels, otherwise inaccessible, so as to debug, reprogram or retrain them.
  9. They can, if these claims are true as they seem to be, debug their "digestive program", or slow their hearts considerably.
  10. The compiler has an industry standard COFF T9000 assembler and COFF linkage editor and there is integrated debug support for source level and assembly level debugging.
  11. The debuggers allow users to download and debug source code in real-time.
  12. Only a single user can access the computer at a time, and he has to write, debug, and run his programs in the most basic computer-oriented form.

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