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Перевод: decompose speek decompose

разлагать на составные части; анализировать; растворять; гнить; разлагаться; разложиться; растворяться


  1. The young man lying there was short of stature, blond, and though he had been in the ground much longer than Erceldoun the body, though swollen and green-tinged, had hardly begun to decompose.
  2. Not only that, but there are at least fifty known forms of bacteria which decompose rock into minerals.
  3. Did the drug decompose or spread through the body or accumulated in certain organs?
  4. The next question that arises is in how many ways can one decompose a given number as such a sum of squares?
  5. Typical examples of mutualism, which is the aspect most commonly referred to as symbiotic, are: (a) The bacteria that decompose compost heaps of organic waste to form humus that in turn feeds new vegetation.
  6. These remnants may be rolled into balls of netting and sink, or may continue to catch fish, sea birds and marine mammals as they drift in the ocean currents, sinking with the weight of entangled wildlife, only to rise towards the surface again as the bodies decompose.
  7. Furthermore, it can be used to decompose overall proportions, as shown in the previous section, and it can be decomposed itself when other variables are brought into the picture.
  8. We decompose the proportion of service class children who attended selective secondary school (0.719) into a fitted component (0.237) and an effect (0.482).
  9. Most of our refuse does not decompose: plastic containers, bottles and tins dumped in the ground remain forever.
  10. There should be no necessity to remove the straw, as it should gradually decompose over the summer.
  11. If turned, two or three times, the heap will decompose without getting too hot or becoming mildewed.
  12. Dead or exhausted roots decompose, leaving moisture-retentive fibre and stored nutrients to be recycled for other plants.
  13. Cool : A great many chemicals decompose rapidly under storage at high temperature some with the production of poisonous gases and some with the risk of pressure build-up in packaging resulting in an explosion or both.

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