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Перевод: deepen speek deepen

углублять; углубить; углубляться; увеличивать; расширять; усиливать; усиливаться; делать темнее; сгущать; делаться темнее; сгущаться; понижать; понижаться


  1. You could enhance the experience (and deepen your breathing) by vaporising any of the following "respiratory" essences into the room: myrrh, frankincense, pine-needle, cedarwood, juniper, cypress.
  2. As Rushdie and recession deepen hostility to race equality legislation, few believe the new government will do more than seek greater managerial competence from the Commission for Racial Equality while encouraging those blacks who can be multicultural Tory role models.
  3. It can be very enjoyable, amusing and romantic (because it means that a relationship with a man must deepen through glances, smiles and phrases with hidden meanings).
  4. For the more depressed and lonely people who have few if any outside contacts, counselling can appear to deepen the very feelings that it is seeking to alleviate, especially in the early stages.
  5. If we are to profit from an international perspective on curriculum management, we have surely to deepen our questions.
  6. His urge was to deepen.
  7. Members should always be aware that the purpose of CPE is to maintain, deepen and extend their own professional competence and that CPE should be relevant to their own specific needs.
  8. There can be high peaks of pleasure, but these cannot last, whereas steady, constant relationships are more likely to sustain and deepen the qualities of true happiness.
  9. They meet monthly in each other's home, and share their experiences over a simple meal, pray together and deepen their understanding of marriage, family life and their faith.
  10. If the advice is not heeded, he warns, the current recession may spread and deepen.
  11. And hopefully it will lead us on to deepen and enrich ourselves, providing a strong foundation for a new way of life.
  12. We heard a chorus slowly start up and deepen, far back into the forest night.
  13. But increasing exposure to foreigners will reinforce the Japanese sense of being special, and deepen scorn for outsiders.

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