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Перевод: defend speek defend

защищать; поддерживать; оборонять; оберегать; защищаться; обороняться; отстаивать; оправдывать; защищать в суде; выступать защитником


  1. After the revolution, Andrei's starlet wife loyally tried to defend her husband by portraying him as an opponent of the Comrade and the victim of persecution, but this unoriginal line of defence is not borne out by the facts, except insofar as all the members of the ruling group lived precariously.
  2. "We see it as necessary to take unilateral steps to defend our interests as this is causing us economical damage," he said.
  3. Unless we are prepared to defend it ourselves we will stay forever at the mercy of the moralists, their inquisitions and their laws.
  4. Its posters claim to "defend Islam, Islamic rule, constitutional rule, support the deprived and to prevent the dominance of capitalism and those who have never suffered poverty".
  5. These peoples cannot allow themselves much investment in fixed assets they would need to defend, but just as importantly they cannot allow themselves much investment in social ties to specific others.
  6. "Of course, in battle, one has to defend -"
  7. It is the mind of the medium, not the soul, which travels during a seance and which acts to defend the community in an altruistic manner.
  8. Diversification may at the time appear to be the only way that the company can maintain its profits growth and defend the value of its shares.
  9. Lynsey was researching a project on how women could defend themselves from potential rapists and sex attackers and planning a BBC documentary on the subject.
  10. England came away from Australia shaking their heads and saying that it was impossible to defend against those moves.
  11. Led by Britain's Advertising Association, which brings together the advertisers, the agencies and the media, the advertising lobby is gearing up to defend products which they reckon are most vulnerable:
  12. The Spanish expelled the Muslims from the island, but were not able to bring it under their full control, or defend its inhabitants from Muslim raiders, until nearly the end of the nineteenth century.
  13. In the political sphere, some embraced accidentalism and employed the social organizations of Catholicism in order to defend themselves.

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