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Перевод: defense speek defense

защита ; оборона ; заступничество; оправдание; реабилитация ; укрепления ; оборонительные сооружения


  1. Numbers of people at North's level at the NSC, the State Department, the CIA and the Defense Department knew that "Ollie was up to something": something hyperactive, makeshift, slightly off-centre, not to be looked into.
  2. Department of Defense co-operation and assistance was provided, mainly in making NAS Barbers Point, Ford Island, and Wheeler Field, as well as other military installations, available for the film's setting.
  3. "Another day, maybe two," said the Defense Secretary.
  4. In the US, the National Resources Defense Council has also petitioned for a faster phase-out of ozone depleters, calling for the CFC deadline to be moved from 2000 to 1995, a 1993 ban on production of methyl chloroform and methyl bromide, and a 2005 ban of HCFCs which are not yet included in the protocol.
  5. Of course, once we got into government a great many of our ambitions and aims and the ideas we'd seized hold of from talking to the Americans, people like Robert McNamara for instance, of the American Department of Defense, came up against the realities of Whitehall.
  6. Nearly three weeks into the war, many at the UN felt - as did French Defense Minister Jean-Pierre Chevenement and Soviet Foreign Minister Aleksandr Bessmertnykh - that Washington, with its wanton bombing of Iraq, was exceeding the mandate of Resolution 678.
  7. Noel Koch was the deputy assistant for international security affairs at the Defense Department when North was at the NSC; he had been given a code-name, and it was "Aaron".
  8. For over 40 years, Hughes Aircraft Company has been a world leader IN defense and space electronics, systems engineering, and satellite communications.
  9. Of great significance may be certain statements made by Secretary of Defense Weinberger in his annual report to Congress (United States, Secretary of Defense, 1983, pp. 55-;7):
  10. The implications of all this are that new military technologies are making conventional defence increasingly cost-effective compared with offence (although this argument does not apply to nuclear defence, such as the Strategic Defense Initiative).
  11. The action followed an independent environmental audit by US group the Environmental Defense Fund, and is likely to filter through to UK operations.
  12. The Chilean educational organisation Committee for the Defense of the Flora and Fauna of Chile (CODEFF) is heading efforts to stop the dolphin hunts.
  13. Eliki, a disabled dwarf, sells old copies of Jane's Defense Weekly and Merseyside Trade Annual .

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