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Перевод: definitive speek definitive

окончательный; безусловный; решительный; наиболее полный; точный; вполне развитой; дефинитивный


  1. For Steiner homosexuality is it anything even more central to, and definitive of, the modern.
  2. Again, Pound's admirers will protest; and they will be right, insofar as Yeats's account of the Cantos isn't so definitive as Olson takes it to be.
  3. The table aims to provide a simple comparative index, both of numbers and the relative importance of areas, rather than definitive estimates of population.
  4. However, definitive decisions about such measures must rest with medically qualified personnel.
  5. The venerable are not therefore always the definitive word on matters of etiquette, but there was always royalty.
  6. Among them were his classic Cumbrian pictorial guides and definitive Pennine Way Companion.
  7. The important thing to remember, however, is that in many cases no definitive diagnosis can be made until the results have come back from the laboratory and the fact that nothing has been found at the time of the first visit does not mean that the follow-up visit should be missed.
  8. The orang-utan thus probably reached its definitive form by evolution from a rather more terrestrial animal but at a later date than that suggested by Kortlandt.
  9. ONE of the principal components of the German question, and of the entire European situation, is the recognition of the fact that the question of European borders has been solved in a definitive and irrevocable manner.
  10. The article, then, is exploratory rather than definitive, inciting theory rather than assuming it, attempting to open up some territory or to clear some ground rather than to fortify a final position.
  11. Each minor modification of the CAP has been hailed by its authors as the definitive reform.
  12. It wasn't until she had successfully launched The Body Shop on to the Unlisted Securities Market that she began to examine the direction in which the business was going and to start articulating its mission in a definitive way.
  13. the report is certainly not a definitive and unchallengeable portrait of the Metropolitan police.

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