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Перевод: deform speek deform

обезображивать; уродовать; искажать; исковеркать; деформировать; коробить; деформироваться; коробиться


  1. Shudder when you understand that you, in your turn, will humiliate your aged parents and bully and deform your children.
  2. Steel columns and beams, and concrete walls reinforced with steel rods, make the frames flexible - and even ductile, so that they can deform without snapping in the wind.
  3. It can also be added that if these steps deform towards more negative values of - (around -100 rather than their naturally stable values of roughly -30) the associated inter-proton distances hardly change, however the sugar phases resemble those of the B II state and are therefore once again in disagreement with the NMR data.
  4. The whole rear suspension geometry has been designed to deform (up to 1.5degs) under the effect of sideways cornering forces in order to overcome any tendency for the Safrane to oversteer.
  5. And don't let it deform the joints cos it does eventually.
  6. It, if it's left it will deform joints.
  7. The French government has just approved a whole range of radical spelling changes, proposed by the government-appointed Conseil Suprieur de la Langue Franaise, which will deform some of the most familiar French words, obfuscate their etymological origins and massacre many an adopted foreign word.
  8. But they don't literally try to deform the old physical object into the new one.
  9. Secure with frame fixers, taking care not to deform the frame
  10. Special interests and lobby groups characteristically deform legislative outputs and executive decisions because of the existence of strong policy networks which only established "insider" groups can penetrate.
  11. With the children, at the hospital, in Pediatrics where the light is never off, where the little victims whom we patiently deform lie drugged and lost and itching - with the children John is at his briskest.
  12. Not all disciplinary abuses in the home are the severe deprivations or punishments that deform the lives of some children.
  13. That hand of mine won't go the right shape although I've tried, I knew it would deform joints and so I put all my efforts into spreading them the opposite way, but I haven't won on that one, can you see?

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