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Перевод: deformity speek deformity

уродство; уродливость ; испорченность ; порочность ; безобразие; деформация ; изуродованная вещь; изъян ; порок


  1. At one time jesters were picked for their hunchbacks, or some deformity.
  2. It used to be considered a deformity in other breeds and led to automatic culling, but in several continental breeds it is now selected for, although it can lead to problems in calving and perhaps fertility.
  3. Some years ago an argument raged in one of the horse magazines, when some Expert declared that many Arabian horses had a parrot mouth (a congenital deformity where the upper front teeth extend beyond the lower).
  4. This periodontoid mass is not visible in patients who have had surgical fusion of the first two cervical vertebrae or in whom deformity has progressed to that of atlantoaxial impaction (see below).
  5. "all babies have the right to be fed and cared for, except where there is an incurable deformity and where the baby would suffer pain and distress if feeding were attempted."
  6. As a young man he had been pursued by many women; that he secretly despised them did not lessen his attractiveness but in later years his large family and increasing years had hung about him with a weight as great as any deformity: but he would never risk exposing himself as Rose had.
  7. Atlantoaxial subluxation is the most common deformity and is due to destruction and resultant laxity of the transverse ligament.
  8. In reality, the tailless condition is a genetic deformity of a rather serious kind.
  9. She showed severe potential spasticity, so the physiotherapists took great care to prevent her from being twisted into deformity.
  10. Constantinides went on to discuss the permanent disability rate of 18.6-;20 per 100 000 children per annum following accidents (road accidents, recreational accidents, and burns and scalds), and the type of disability included brain damage; deformity; loss of mobility; scarring; and sensory loss mainly due to eye injuries.
  11. Those born with severe deformity of the skeleton, or absence of one or more limbs, usually experience some life-long difficulty in carrying out all the activities for maintaining a safe environment.
  12. Leder and his colleagues were working on tumour viruses that cause cancer, when they noticed that one of the mice infected with the virus had a limb deformity.
  13. From the bridge the church looked no worse than bizarre - a giant Christmas cake which, having risen too high in the oven, has been covered in over-decorated icing in order to obscure its deformity.

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