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Перевод: delineation speek delineation

очерчивание; очертание; абрис ; чертеж ; план ; изображение; описание


  1. The identity was forged as by articulating "the people" as "the nation", the delineation of which excluded all non-English.
  2. However the best delineation of Tolkien's new model of courage is perhaps at the end of Book IV chapter 8, "The Stairs of Cirith Ungol".
  3. This delineation of labourism is ideal-typical; in practice it could exhibit contradictory tendencies.
  4. Lunar cartography improved steadily during the next 200 years, culminating in a masterpiece of observation and delineation produced by the German astronomers Wilhelm Beer and Johann Mdler in 1837.
  5. He read aloud: '" Delicate delineation of a boy's sensations on discovering physical love powerful and evocative description of adolescent suffering in an unsympathetic society the best to come out of Canada for years."
  6. Uli Edel has forged a remarkably coherent whole, cross-cutting from one story to another while retaining a precise delineation of character, picking out threads of compassion and love from a bleak tapestry of pain.
  7. They are as follows with their running number and delineation of each vehicle.
  8. The effectiveness of overbank sediment sampling is being investigated for the detection and delineation of pollution caused by mining and other human activities.
  9. Sartre in particular was especially reprehensible as a consequence of his advocacy of "la littrature engage" - such a delineation of a social and political function for the writer was at direct variance with the formalist prerequisites of the nouveau roman .
  10. Behind the wide, full mouth, the arrogant stare of the eyes, the dark, crimped, Pre-Raphaelite hair streaming in the wind, was a careful delineation of the headland, its objects disposed and painted with the meticulous attention to detail of a sixteenth-century primitive; the Victorian rectory, the ruined abbey, the half-demolished pillbox, the crippled trees, the small white mill like a child's toy and, gaunt against a flaming evening sky, the stark outline of the power station.
  11. Happily these two roles are crucial ones, and the powerful delineation of this central rivalry gave the whole performance its backbone.
  12. It sees ways of making certain that small points of correction are dealt with speedily, and thus the chance of devoting extra energy to the broader guidelines and the delineation of greater issues.

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