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Перевод: demonstrative speek demonstrative

наглядный; показательный; демонстративный; сопровождаемый показом; убедительный; доказательный; экспансивный; несдержанный; указательный;
указательное местоимение


  1. We were a very physically demonstrative family, plenty of kisses and hugs all round
  2. There are those who grow up in a very rigid and often fiercely religious environment, crushed into a mould, dictated by unbending rules and regulations, where little demonstrative love is shown.
  3. But when it comes to the ecstatically energised and demonstrative music, he either plays safe with tempi and tones down orchestral brilliance or, more alarmingly, decides to add a wealth of extra cymbal (suspended and clashed), presumably in the misguided notion that more emphasis is required.
  4. Patrick had not been a demonstrative man.
  5. "Axioms" or "maxims", such as that wholes equal the sum of their parts, were among the premisses of the demonstrative syllogisms of the doctrine of scientia , and some seventeenth-century developments of the doctrine said that they were innate.
  6. It was not a demonstrative friendship; they had never kissed, had never indeed touched hands except at that first meeting.
  7. "Catholics should not be demonstrative in welcoming the Pope.
  8. He does not think that knowledge is acquired by demonstrative syllogisms which have maxims and definitions for premisses; in many places in the Essay he criticizes various parts of this view.
  9. (Nothing too demonstrative, because we all remember what happened to the Maoists, Trotskyites, Stalinists and Diggers of the '70s).
  10. A syllogism with premisses of this sort gives a demonstrative understanding of the causes why things necessarily have the properties they do, because the definitions with which it starts are definitions of the "forms" of these things, and formal causes are one of the four kinds of cause which Aristotle distinguished.
  11. "Civilians" you know well can walk past in the street without recognition, for although the uniform itself is apparent it is a forceful barrier, expressing a demonstrative separation between the culture of control and the individuality of the controlled.
  12. In particular, what was wrong was their idea that "science" should consist of demonstrative syllogisms, and their view of what the premisses of these should be like.
  13. Interestingly, although he was the fierce one, he was more demonstrative of affection than my mother, who kept her feelings very much to herself.

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