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Перевод: depreciation speek depreciation

обесценивание; снижение стоимости; умаление; уничижение; пренебрежение; скидка на порчу товара; амортизация ; изнашивание


  1. Let us assume, for example, that a budget is agreed for a department and includes depreciation (or capital charges) of 12,000 for the year.
  2. Tax-free depreciation allowances are also in common use, but in Japan they have been more selectively applied.
  3. An index is prepared by the central bank to measure appreciation or depreciation of the domestic currency's external value over time.
  4. For most chairmen, however, Citrine's view that they should move only slowly in this direction, doing little more than break even (but conceding part of the case for higher depreciation), seemed quite consistent with the philosophy of nationalisation.
  5. It would be wrong to add back the extra depreciation charge that Shaw plc has borne.
  6. This time-proportionality determines the value of depreciation in the value of commodities produced with the aid of such fixed capital, that is to say, it is an element of the total value of the commodities.
  7. A target figure is reached for the total stock within each interest category, and the annual replacement figure is calculated from this and from examining the range of depreciation factors at work on the stock.
  8. He tackles familiar areas such as goodwill and intangibles, depreciation and extraordinary items.
  9. The conservative bias in estimating lives was maintained for new investment, and other highly conservative accounting practices generally had an effect similar to replacement cost depreciation.
  10. So in addition to standard depreciation allowances, certain designated sectors can write off another 25 per cent of the investment against tax in the first year, while in energy saving or robotic investment the rate has gone as high as 60 per cent.
  11. Now, in the private sector, not all companies take depreciation into their management accounts.
  12. The upshot of these pressures for self-financing was that in the first ten years some 36 per cent of the industry's investment was internally financed: 488 millions from depreciation allowances and 98 millions from surplus after interest payments.
  13. There is speculation that the Government is working to the rule that for every 4 per cent depreciation of the pound, there would be a 1 point rise in base rates to maintain the tightness of monetary policy.

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