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Перевод: dereliction speek dereliction

нарушение долга; упущение; отступление моря от берега; оставление; морской нанос; заброшенность


  1. BIG-MONEY court-battles over the dereliction of the American nuclear industry are growing popular.
  2. For example, changes were implemented in an attempt to ease the problems of London's Docklands, generally regarded as the largest area of urban dereliction in England.
  3. But one has to be careful, a piece of derelict land can be like a magnet in attracting further dereliction.
  4. Damp leaves, moist air and a faint atmosphere of dereliction made my riverside walk feel sadly autumnal.
  5. I regularly see huge grey towers of concrete and steel which brutalise the landscape and recent ruins which have been shoddily built have slipped into early dereliction.
  6. Attitudes to wasteland vary but the official view is that it is unsightly and depressing, contributing to an air of dereliction and offering an example to vandals.
  7. Peter Brown, chairman of the Thomas Coram foundation, said: "Unless the human imperative of individual dereliction is addressed alongside the more visual investment in environmental dereliction, and however well we spend it this means more money, the country will find itself in a downward spiral of inner-city social decay that could well substitute Drug Alley for the Gin Lane of Coram's and Hogarth's day."
  8. Its dereliction over the past two years had been a constant topic of conversation.
  9. Recently I stood on the dereliction that is Lindow Moss in Cheshire.
  10. He reasoned that the Lord who was physically born of Mary, grew in wisdom, suffered dereliction and death, must be less than the unbegotten, impassible, deathless Father.
  11. By the turn of the present century, the canal - owned then by the Great Western Railway - had become unnavigable, and the locks fell into dereliction, but much restoration work has been undertaken by enthusiastic volunteers in recent years.
  12. Environmental Health News says: "Unless there is a boost to the improvement programme, many houses that are in terminal disrepair will fall into dereliction."
  13. Dereliction (top right) and pollution (left) are frequent in east Berlin.

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