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Перевод: deserving speek deserving

заслуживающий; достойный


  1. On this occasion his achievements were measured in terms of the 160,000 which his departments had contributed to rate relief during his tenure: "No man is more deserving of the thanks of the ratepayers than Mr. Furness whose enthusiasm and enterprise has made his department's a wonderful source of revenue for the town".
  2. As charities go, you don't, frankly, think we are particularly deserving.
  3. The fiction is maintained that these lists of the worthy, the deserving and the hitherto unrecognized are supervised, if not by the Queen herself, then at least by her staff.
  4. Friends of these schools rejoiced in this subtle mixture of independence, fee-paying, support for deserving pupils with poor parents, academic excellence, and adequate support from the tax-payer.
  5. The system ensures that those who might seem most deserving receive perhaps an Order of the British Empire (OBE) - or a British Empire Medal (BEM) for those "who do not qualify by rank for the higher awards" - while a bureaucrat who has successfully worked his way to the top of the civil service without putting a foot wrong will get a knighthood in the Order of the Bath.
  6. Any boy who dared to venture down the Mucky Beck alone was deserving of great respect, even if he had fallen into the water and almost drowned.
  7. That would undo decades of effort to have chemical dependency recognised as a treatable disorder rather than as a moral lapse deserving of punishment.
  8. A boy's hostel in London received mattresses from a shipping company, blankets from another firm and food from the Deserving Charities Organisation.
  9. In practice, this largely means freezing out local authority representatives and the relevant trade unions, which, compared to south of the border, are more generally accepted as deserving a place in public life.
  10. An attempt had been made to offset recent enclosures by letting out a few five-acre plots, rent and tithe free, to deserving poor, but the newer legislation continued to make things difficult.
  11. Also received are benefit brochures from DAVID HUGHES and IAN GREIG, two of this season's most deserving beneficiaries.
  12. The rental sector meanwhile provides - along with all the box-office successes which nowadays transfer to tape within a few months and probably need no further introduction - the chance to catch up on a variety of (often more deserving) movies which have been less widely seen in cinemas here.
  13. And, in keeping with the spirit of Christmas, Jill Goolden suggests the best bottles to give to deserving friends.

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