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Перевод: desperate speek desperate

отчаянный; доведенный до отчаяния; отъявленный; безрассудный; безнадежный; безвыходный; ужасный


  1. In March 1939 Norman Bentwich, who more than most realised the desperate straits of the Austrian Jews, wrote to Josef Lwenherz in Vienna:
  2. The initial reason must have been Protestant fears of what Henri II, using his daughter-in-law, might do after the treaty of Chateau-Cambrsis; the public Protestant call to arms and the private and tentative contact with England were part of the same desperate reaction to a situation which left the Protestants no more time to move slowly, and forced them into overt action against the regent - the representative of legitimate authority - and, perhaps, a covert move against her daughter - the legitimate authority.
  3. The spongs are home to another source of interest - food - if you are desperate and very quick, because lemming live beneath them.
  4. And those New England mountains seemed to me to give evidence of a human success so meagre and transitory as to be more desperate than the desert."
  5. The film is not particularly well constructed, and the subplot featuring Squibs' sister's desperate life in Paris with a murderer on the run is poorly connected to the scenes of rejoicing back home, but the central character's vitality carries the story.
  6. While toy sales here have hit a record high they face a desperate shortage of clean water.
  7. The Commission resorted to desperate, grand-scale measures: along the valley of the river Netze as far east as Bromberg it settled a solid block of 22,000 Germans in an effort to prevent Polish land purchases in the area.
  8. His appointment to the desperate Eighth Army, however, gave him that opportunity, particularly as, by then, the Americans were beginning to make available much larger supplies of tanks and equipment so vitally necessary.
  9. In turning to trusts we are faced with a similar problem, and similarly desperate evidence.
  10. Desmond Egan, an ebullient man known in the enemy camp as Desperate Ego, is confident that he and Dr Kavanagh will win the day.
  11. I was not desperate to make money at that time, rather I thought of helping her with the commission she would take.
  12. In this way a mostly desperate body of art, which had at first shocked the American public, was transformed by speeches, articles and the context in which it was displayed, into an ideological weapon for the defence of Individualism and the right to express oneself.
  13. Berowne almost seems to revel in his own discomfiture here, in his desperate last stand for freedom -he clearly enjoys the sensation of falling in love, even though he presents the experience as a disaster!

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