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Перевод: despot speek despot

деспот ; тиран


  1. Bernarda Fink's rich contralto brings tragic intensity to the role of the widowed Cornelia, whilst Derek Lee Ragin is a suitably blustering Ptolemy, singing the despot's often angular lines with commendable accuracy.
  2. A benevolent despot.
  3. Thus, the enlightenment of the enlightened despot, the attempt to modernize and make the administration more systematic (as well as relieve the royal purse), produced precisely the opposite reaction.
  4. In this way, because the despot has taken onto himself the attributes of the community, work - which was in fact done for him - appeared as work by him, and he appeared as the creator of wealth for the community.
  5. According to Marx's theory the many different units were willing to unite and contribute their labour to work for the despot because this appeared, not as working for him, but as working for "the higher unity", which, they wrongly believed, was the source of their continued existence.
  6. Furthermore, his quiet, democratic manner gives no indication of harbouring an aspiring despot.
  7. The Austrians returned in his absence, and were assisted in their reconquest by the Russians and the Italians themselves who were never more happy, it seems, than when they were assisting one despot to overthrow another.
  8. Unluckily our moral life is too complex for any single moral principle to be a despot over all the others.
  9. Likewise, the dictator of Asturias's The President is identified not only with Satan but with Tohil, the Maya Quich deity who demanded human sacrifice, the effect of that association being to present the Central-American political despot as a modern incarnation of an ancestral tradition.
  10. This "inverted causation" as it has been called, which is a major element of Marxist theory, is to be found in the theory of Asiatic production, in that the subjects of the Asiatic despot are made to believe that they can live because of the blessing of the god-king, the true guardian and shepherd of the community, while really it is he who is living off them.
  11. He is not the despot portrayed in the West.
  12. Unarguably, the father in the poem is a despot, and the daughter is humiliated.
  13. The president is finely educated and is capable of talking like a professor and behaving like a despot.

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