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Перевод: destitute speek destitute

сильно нуждающийся; лишенный;
нуждающиеся ; бедные


  1. The orphanage's overriding function was not only to care for the destitute but also to protect society from dangerous children as there was a fear that roaming, unsupervised youngsters posed a threat to social order.
  2. The first meeting place was a small room in Fetter Lane in 1840 which became known to some interested people who took a house in Red Lion Square where some destitute deaf men and women were lodged and taught trades.
  3. The official history of the movement sees it as the outgrowth of "homes and refuges for the destitute and institutes opened in the evenings with a mainly educational purpose in view".
  4. The church of the apostolic age sought to identify itself with the "poor" whom Jesus had declared blessed (Luke 6: 20); or had he meant the "poor in spirit" (Matt. 5: 3), the humble-hearted, who could hold their property without pride as means to support the destitute?
  5. Naturally this had immediate consequences for the destitute fed by the church chest that rich believers funded.
  6. The first was from a destitute young woman about to be evicted and threatening to gas her four children, then herself.
  7. Philip Miller much respected Hugh Percy (1715-;1786) the second Earl, and later first Duke, of Northumberland, to whom he dedicated the sixth, seventh and eighth editions of the Dictionary , referring to many improvements to his estates and particularly to his plantations in "a Country almost destitute of Timber".
  8. Almost an entire generation of Titfords in Frome was increasingly destitute from the 1780s onwards; in a town which had depended heavily upon the wool industry for its prosperity for so long, the innate conservatism of the local clothiers left them unable to respond to changing times and new technology.
  9. The charity, run by Pat Kerr, cares for destitute and deprived children, rescuing them from the unending poverty that is the lot for many people in these Third World countries and from broken and inadequate homes.
  10. Above all, they educated and eventually apprenticed young paupers, ensuring in theory that they themselves should not in turn need poor relief in adulthood; thus Shoreditch had a so-called Nursery at Enfield specifically for the care and education of destitute children.
  11. "Do tell me, and what gives a destitute Englishman away in a foreign land?
  12. I told him that we weren't eating and that we weren't paying the rent - almost destitute.
  13. Many have become ill and destitute, and those who have tried to enter Britain without a voucher have found themselves being shuttlecocked in and out of Britain or kept in prison.

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