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Перевод: destructive speek destructive

разрушительный; разрушающий; уничтожающий; злокачественный; вредный; пагубный;
средство разрушения


  1. She was extremely destructive when left alone.
  2. as is probably the case in rheumatoid arthritis, then the whole process is a wasteful and destructive war.
  3. The destructive action of beetles on timber is rarely as serious as fungal attack because an infected section is only weakened by the combined cross-sectional area of the tunnels it contains - the strength of the surrounding wood remains unimpaired.
  4. Friends of the Earth has persuaded Lloyds, Midland and Nat West Banks to re-direct their funds from a 600 million loan for destructive development projects in Amazonia;
  5. Do you believe that anger is destructive?
  6. The Protocol also leaves out "soft" CFCs, which have a much lower potential for ozone depletion but still have a destructive effect.
  7. The theory can be described as a characterisation of the possible patterns or as the destructive part of the problem - it destroys or eliminates certain possibilities.
  8. He had been told that he didn't know the first thing about it, that the young were all the same, destructive and careless, that Mrs Irving set a value on her privacy.
  9. Pointless and destructive.
  10. Would you like to see sound edifying, Bible based TV programmes, including directly evangelistic ones in the place of the morally and socially destructive ones we all deplore?
  11. Those who lose or cannot meet the urge become "defeated", become dependent, destructive, or, if not apathetic, at least dismissive.
  12. They may attack others physically or verbally, screaming all the insults they can invent; or they may be destructive, wilfully damaging or destroying anything that is handy when they lose their temper.
  13. He was horrified that even for a few minutes he could seriously have contemplated such destructive stupidity.

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