d da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dr ds dt du dw dx dy dz

Перевод: detector speek detector

прибор для обнаружения; детектор ; датчик ; следящее устройство; индикатор


  1. A comparison of the measured spectrum with that expected for antineutrinos issuing from the fission reactions in the reactor's core reveals whether the antineutrinos have changed in any way en route to the detector; muon- or tau-antineutrinos would not produce inverse beta decays.
  2. A simpler motion detector
  3. At the moment, the first line of defence is usually a smoke detector on the ceiling in every corridor.
  4. After over two years of use, the prototype Vehicle Watchdog has successfully fooled every passenger into believing that it is a passive infra-red detector mounted on the dashboard.
  5. The company also announced the HP 3365 Chemstation for chromatographic data acquisition and instrument control, new Enviroquant target compound software for DOS GC-MS chemstations, a new on-line degasser for HPLC, called the HP G 1303A, and the new HP1050 series variable wavelength detector.
  6. By the time it sets off the smoke detector, the corridor is blocked.
  7. Unblocking the ephedrine detector
  8. When lock is achieved, the digital detector is switched out of circuit to avoid noise denigration in the analogue circuit.
  9. And its accurate mounting and sophisticated computer-control allow astronomers to scan the infrared detector along a source with such precision that it can build up a detailed infrared picture, line by line.
  10. The total division ratio from the DIV input to the input to the phase detector (Fig.2) is N = (128. n2 + nl) *A + n0 , where n0, n1 and n2 are less than 128.
  11. The error detector is, in turn, controlled by a voltage adjustment control which sets the desired output voltage V.
  12. Rutherford's earliest research at the Cavendish was on a detector for electromagnetic waves, an essential feature of which was a small coil containing a tiny bundle of magnetised iron wire.
  13. If necessary, use a shield to prevent stray light from reaching the detector.

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