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Перевод: detonation speek detonation

детонация ; взрыв ; стук при детонации; грохот при взрыве


  1. British confidence and American respect for Britain were enhanced by the successful detonation of the British hydrogen bomb at Christmas Island in the Pacific in May 1957, which gave credibility to the independence of the British nuclear deterrent.
  2. Simon Cormack had died of massive explosive damage to spine and abdomen, caused by a detonation of small but concentrated effect near the base of his back.
  3. Mother Bombie gave a snort like a detonation, and woke up.
  4. It had suddenly found itself desperately short of a special washer - waxed and made of felt - that is a vital bit in the detonation process inside the RAF's latest 1,000lb bombs.
  5. IN A POEM called History Peter Porter piles a number of state crimes - reminiscent of those attributed to the Stasi - on top of one another in a seemingly solid pillar of evidence, only to explode it in the last line with the simple but logical detonation: "Their story will not be told."
  6. Scientists on the ground had final control over the detonation of the larger 200 kilo explosive package and set it off directly on the magnetic field lines in the middle of the auroral arc.
  7. The uncontrolled liberation of fusion energy has existed for 40 years, ever since the detonation of the first thermonuclear or "hydrogen" bomb.
  8. Uncontrolled fusion has been achieved since 1952 with the detonation of thermonuclear weapons.
  9. This was not of course found at the scene, but it was probably a flat plastic box pack, smaller than a crush-proof cigarette-packet, with a single flush button depressed by the ball of the thumb to effect detonation.
  10. The history of the last century in Lebanon thus provided dynamite for the detonation of the past 15 years.
  11. Detonation would have wrecked my promotion prospects.
  12. Its high resistance to detonation allows high compression ratios to be used and thus offers potential for more power than petrol; little or not particulate emissions come out the exhaust pipe and CO 2 production is relatively low.
  13. The second attempt to replace the Quebec Agreement with something more useful than the modus vivendi began in September 1949, just after the detonation of the first Soviet atomic bomb was confirmed, and coincidentally with a devaluation of sterling, which threw a spotlight on the shakiness of the British economy.

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