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Перевод: deviated



  1. In this respect, he deviated from the conventional ideas about blacks possessing physical but no mental prowess.
  2. The government deviated from its prescriptions in several ways.
  3. Nathalie Sarraute, however, has never deviated from her conviction that her novels must be considered as attempts to reproduce, in formal terms, the domain of the interpersonal, pre-verbal psychological reality of tropism.
  4. They deviated from central expectations and in many ways escaped from rigid control from above, but their local eccentricities did not upset Moscow's broad calculations in the short term.
  5. Is it not possible that these few exceptional individuals are, in fact, the normal ones and the rest of us have somewhere deviated from this path of health?
  6. It could be sampling error; the main data used in this chapter was collected in monthly sample surveys, each of which aimed to interview a cross-section of the general public but each of which will have deviated from the parent population to some extent.
  7. He closed his Manchester school and knowing that his wife rarely deviated from being either in Blackpool or London, he could safely assume there was little chance of a confrontation.
  8. Financial policy, which deviated increasingly from monetarist orthodoxy, also pursued a more distinct course with Nigel Lawson as Chancellor.
  9. I could neither have deviated nor run.
  10. The final plan deviated from the original and we decided to go from Sulitjelma in Norway to Abisko, at the top of Kungsleden , in Sweden.
  11. This was accepted, this was known, it was a rule from which Edouard never relented, never deviated.
  12. Sam recovered in the third set from 1-;3 to lead 5-;4, but she was unable to close out the match against a tough opponent who rarely deviated from her game plan of staying back and slugging it out from the baseline.
  13. It has deviated from passionately enunciated principles on monetarism, on public spending's rightful portion of GNP, on Ireland, on state control of education, on (soon) immigration, and much else.

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