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Перевод: digestible speek digestible

удобоваримый; легко усваиваемый


  1. Before the 1960s the treatment of peptic ulcers was empirical, based on bedrest and dietary factors, including increases in the intake of digestible foods like milk products, and general advice such as cutting back on smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. For some time, I wondered whether this might explain an inability to find the Oyster Band wholly digestible.
  3. Designed by educational psychologists in America, PADI aims to present necessary information in an easily digestible form.
  4. Single, short leaflets are more digestible.
  5. It's more digestible and no vitamins or minerals have been lost before you eat it.
  6. Fru Gertlinger sent a message via Fru Mller to say that in future, when there was steak for dinner, she would prepare a more easily digestible dish for Miss Danziger.
  7. A team led by Dr David Jones, of Bangor's renowned School of Ocean Sciences, designed a revolutionary new feed, using a process called microencapsulation which puts a thin, digestible membrane around each tiny food particle.
  8. One of England's older (and now rarest) dairy breeds, the "Old Gloucester" was traditionally a good milker whose produce was converted into Gloucester, Double Gloucester and Blue Vinny cheese: the milk is quite rich and its fat globules are unusually small and digestible.
  9. One problem with these vegetables is that they need a lot of cooking to make them digestible and palatable.
  10. That makes a light read, with the serious points easily digestible.
  11. The milk's small fat globules make it highly digestible - almost as good as goat's milk in this respect - and at least one farm is specialising in Red Poll cheese for export.
  12. I say surprising, because some are as digestible as boot polish while others are simply unwatchable.
  13. Yields are best after the second lactation and the smallness of the fat globules makes the milk very digestible.

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