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Перевод: digitizer speek digitizer

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  1. digitizer
  2. Blakemore (1984) attempts to estimate the uncertainty caused by cartographic line thickness and associated digitizer error by adapting an idea forwarded originally by Perkal (1966).
  3. The electronic hardware associated with the digitizer can determine the position of the pointer on the table whenever a button is pressed.
  4. A pointer is touched against each point of intersection on the grid and the digitizer records the position in the computer.
  5. From such studies appropriate models of digitizer error could be formulated.
  6. The accuracy of a digital representation of a line depends not only on the ability of the person using the digitizer to follow the centre of the line on the map exactly but also on the number of points they input to describe the shape of the line (Aldred 1972).
  7. If the operator is following a linear feature, such as a contour line, the digitizer can be switched to streaming mode and the location of the pointer recorded at some specified time interval, such as every tenth of a second.
  8. This is the scanning digitizer which uses an advanced type of TV camera to convert the map to raster or cell format (Chapter 5).
  9. A third kind of digitizer is becoming more popular.
  10. A manual digitizer consists of a digitizing table and a pointer.
  11. Shoemaking with CAD starts with a last marked with a grid and clamped in a digitizer.
  12. An example of a digitizer might be a probe that will let the computer "read" a shape or colour.

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