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Перевод: digression speek digression

отступление; отклонение; отступное; угловое расстояние планеты от Солнца


  1. But this is a digression.
  2. A digression, but this is also why the motor tax disc is round; the law previously required them to be displayed in an external, weatherproof holder.
  3. Digression won well enough, but the big minus factor against him is the fact that he is by the American stallion, Seattle Slew, whose progeny have tended not to train on over here.
  4. The fact is, however, that Leonce and Lena is more than a fizzled-out digression into comedy by the creator of Woyzeck.
  5. In his only digression from prepared remarks, Francisco Rodriguez said: "The government today has had to control a new attempt at subversion frustrated by the will of our people and of our armed forces to wage struggle."
  6. Though it might be fanciful to assert that this passage heralds the arrival of Hercule Poirot on the literary scene, it is clear that the Digression prepares the way for the development of the whodunnit form, and particularly of the private detective, "the righteous unraveller", whose task it will be to solve the murder.
  7. Instead, works will progress by digression or circular repetition.
  8. This digression is prompted by the experience of watching the Prime Minister trying to horrid to Neil Kinnock twice a week and occasionally trying to put the boot in elsewhere to the Labour Party.
  9. After this digression, it is now time to examine the way in which the curriculum, divided as it should be between the practical and the theoretical, is to be reflected in the school examination system.
  10. Travelling can thus indicate the headlong tempo of the narrative or, in its twists and turns, a principle of sequence by digression - not from a "main action", but simply digression from what immediately precedes or succeeds a particular section.
  11. First a by now familiar digression via the early modern, where we find rather different conceptions of sameness and sexual difference.
  12. There are still a few speeches in Greenaway's house-style of inert paradox and cod worldliness - notably a digression by the Cook (Richard Bohringer) about black food and the price structure of restaurant meals - but the story, for better or worse, stands relatively clear of verbiage.

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