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Перевод: disadvantaged speek disadvantaged

лишенный благоприятных условий; обиженный; обделенный


  1. The course should give details on the various ethnic groups and, if any particular groups are disadvantaged with respect to others, this should be covered and the implications explained.
  2. A marginal zone (part of the "severely disadvantaged" zone not fully meeting the detailed qualifying criteria under Article 3(4) plus the existing "disadvantaged" zone) at the least disadvantaged end of the spectrum.
  3. The Massif Central, a major disadvantaged area in France, has many free-draining brown earths but these are subject to stoniness, slope or depth limitations.
  4. He reads, almost obsessively, the material published about the sources of family poverty, and the failure of the truly "disadvantaged" to become embourgeoisee.
  5. Run for the children and young people who are disabled or disadvantaged.
  6. In the "disadvantaged" zone, the payments are at half the "severely disadvantaged" zone rate, i. e. 22.25 for each beef cow and 2. 12 for each ewe, in this case irrespective of breed.
  7. There will generally be fewer life years added by the treatment of older people and, similarly, those with a low quality of life - predominantly older people - will be disadvantaged by a QALY approach to life-saving measures.
  8. The populations of children in residential care in the United Kingdom, Flanders, and the Netherlands seem equally heterogeneous in terms of their previous histories and presenting problems (see Berridge, 1985), though most come from multiply disadvantaged backgrounds (see Packman et al .,
  9. The new levels apply equally to the "severely disadvantaged" and "disadvantaged" zones.
  10. The major weight of its pressure, however, seldom concerns the interests of underprivileged groups in disadvantaged areas.
  11. The government's white paper on the subject was entitled Roads to Prosperity and the then Transport Secretary, Paul Channon, proclaimed, "I will not allow Britain's first-rate businesses to be disadvantaged by a second-rate road network.
  12. The LFA is now zoned into two areas ("severely disadvantaged" and "disadvantaged") though there is doubt over whether the latter is really applicable to many of the areas of land included.
  13. Prince's Youth Business Trust is particularly concerned with helping young unemployed people, between the ages of 18 and 25, who are disadvantaged whether for social, economic, environmental or physical reasons.

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