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Перевод: disappointment speek disappointment

разочарование; обманутая надежда; причина разочарования; досада ; неприятность


  1. Further disappointment arose from Hitler's promise of retaliation for the bombing of German cities, when, in the days that followed, only English towns such as Bath, Norwich, and York were reported as bombed.
  2. This last headline did not seem fully to express the collective view of the Shadow Cabinet and the next instalments of the Meacher plans for social security never appeared - much to our disappointment.
  3. The feeling of anger and hurt now gets added to the disappointment and frustration.
  4. "I don't know why you should be so thin," her mother complained in disappointment.
  5. Cookie (15) is a disappointment, for its credentials look promising on paper.
  6. England's disappointment may account for a sour note in the Daily Telegraph.
  7. The feeling that goes with this is disappointment and frustration.
  8. "This is my wife, May," Otley replied with a hint of disappointment in his voice.
  9. Similarly, successive attempts by the City to regulate itself have, as in the case of FIMBRA, ended in disappointment.
  10. Within minutes of disembarking from the boats and starting the search we all found to our disappointment that the good weather still hadn't dried out the long grass of the islands, and we were all soon soaking.
  11. Too high a reserve price can mean no sale, and disappointment all round.
  12. Church members are again braced for disappointment should April 23rd pass quietly.
  13. Rodrigo de Triano's defeat was the only disappointment in an otherwise memorable day for owner Robert Sangster, who landed an 899-;1 hat-trick in the last three races with Lost Reputation, River Defences - his Derby contender - and well-fancied Ecliptic, backed from 33-;1 in the morning to 9-;1.

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