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Перевод: dispatch speek dispatch

отправка ; отправление; отсылка ; быстрота ; быстрое выполнение; официальное донесение; дипломатическая депеша; депеша ; корреспонденция ; предание смерти; казнь ; убийство;
отправлять по назначению; экспедировать; отсылать; посылать; высылать; быстро выполнять; быстро проглотить; отправлять на тот свет; убивать


  1. On the last day of 1921 the Party Central Committee appointed Feliks Dzerzhinsky, the head of the Cheka and Commissar for Transport, to the commission for the dispatch of food supplies and grain seed from Siberia and the Ukraine.
  2. The dispatch of James Prior to the Northern Irish office, in place of Atkins, in the government reshuffle of September 1981, also presaged an attempt at further negotiation.
  3. As soon as machines landed, pilots' written reports were sent by dispatch rider or telephoned through to GHQ.
  4. Make sure you get a HORNBY TRAIN, every one of which is tested before dispatch from the Meccano Works.
  5. Princess Marie Louise borrowed the King's dispatch boxes and sent them off to be copied.
  6. The dispatch of yet another deadbeat Tory, Sir Patrick Mayhew, to Northern Ireland is a warning not to expect much political progress in the province.
  7. The integration of the Bed-Pan service with Thameslink operation from 1988 onwards, allowed dual voltage use of the similar, brand-new Class 319 units, dispatch of the 317s to the Great Northern and London Midland, and closure of the recently modernised Cricklewood maintenance depot into the bargain.
  8. Once in Siberia he realized that estimates made on paper in Moscow for the dispatch of 250 wagons a day to the Volga were completely unrealistic.
  9. The first, after 22, saw Whitton dispatch Atkinson's cut-back from the byline on the right.
  10. The main new initiative attempted by Callaghan was the dispatch of the much-respected former Cabinet minister, Cledwyn Hughes, to southern Africa in 1978, partly to facilitate a continuing rapport with the Carter administration in Washington on relations with the illegal Smith regime.
  11. For the remainder it was back to Milford Station where they were probably penned overnight on the extremely wide platforms, before dispatch the next day in newly lime-washed trucks.
  12. The marking of Part-numbers only comes into its own when text containing a Part-number is passed by Guide to the dispatch system: the dispatch system can readily identify part numbers within the material passed to it, and there is no ambiguity between true part numbers and other strings of characters which might happen to look like part numbers.
  13. France's position had been further weakened by the dispatch of a substantial portion of the army to Mexico in support of the Emperor Maximilian, for whom Napoleon III was trying to win an empire.

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